早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
帮帮忙看看下面的英语句子有没有错误 如果有滴话请务必提出来
What will I du?
I will do some housework,like cleaning the house ,washing dishes and so on.
go on a trip to the seaside
I had time.
I didn't go on a trip to any places.
My grandfather was sick.And he has anoperation.
I learnd many things.
Reading books is fun.
become healthy
start school
辅导班 用英语怎么说啊
不是翻译 是让你们找错误 这不是一篇文章 只看句子本身有没有语法错误
帮帮忙看看下面的英语句子有没有错误 如果有滴话请务必提出来
What will I du?
I will do some housework,like cleaning the house ,washing dishes and so on.
go on a trip to the seaside
I had time.
I didn't go on a trip to any places.
My grandfather was sick.And he has anoperation.
I learnd many things.
Reading books is fun.
become healthy
start school
辅导班 用英语怎么说啊
不是翻译 是让你们找错误 这不是一篇文章 只看句子本身有没有语法错误
What will I du?du改为do
I will do some housework,like cleaning the house ,washing dishes and so on.无错.
go on a trip to the seaside 无错.
I had time.无错(指过去有时间).
I didn\'t go on a trip to any places.places改为place,因为any有“任何一个”的意思.
My grandfather was sick.And he has an operation.has改为had,或者改为has had
I learnd many things.learnd改为learned或learnt
Reading books is fun.无错.
become healthy 无错.
start school 无错.
辅导班:tutoring course
I will do some housework,like cleaning the house ,washing dishes and so on.无错.
go on a trip to the seaside 无错.
I had time.无错(指过去有时间).
I didn\'t go on a trip to any places.places改为place,因为any有“任何一个”的意思.
My grandfather was sick.And he has an operation.has改为had,或者改为has had
I learnd many things.learnd改为learned或learnt
Reading books is fun.无错.
become healthy 无错.
start school 无错.
辅导班:tutoring course
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