早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.If you don't want to watch TV at home ,you can go to the cinema with us.(保持意思)
You can ______ watch TV at home ______ go to the cinema with us.
2.Please tell me the meaning of the sentence,will you?(保持……)
Would you please ______the sentence______ me?
3.How long have you kept the book borrowed from the library?(保持……)
How many days ______ ______since you borrowed this book from the library?
4.He is too young to go to school.(保持……)
He isn't ______ ______ to go to school.
5.Take the wet clothes into the house,or they will be frozen.(保持……)
The wet clothes will be frozen ______ you ______ take them into the house.
6.The Olympic Games take place every four years.(保持……)
The Olympic Games ______ ______every four years.
7.Wang hai has't decided what event to enter for.(保持……)
Wang hai has't decided what event______ ______enter for.
8.Think it over,or you won't be able to get the right answer.(保持……)
______you______think it over,you won't be able to get the right answer.
either or 表肯定的选择
translate for 这个翻译比较直接.比explain.to好
are there 不指明物的时候用are there 比较好.表示某处有某物
old enough 这句话的意思是.他年纪太小,不能上学
.if..don't (开头的祈使句变成了条件状语从句)
are held take place 是发生的意思
he would 我觉得用would 比较好

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