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Warm Hints:We've found from the actual sales that it is usually so difficult for us to design the sample shoes merely based on its proportional calculation with regard to the feet with more than fifty European Yards ( more than twelve American Yards) ,therefore,please be sure to measure your feet according to the indication of the photo and tell us the data of the size so that we can customize your shoes with more accuracy .
Warm Hints:We have discovered from the practical sales that the feet that has a size of more than European Yards (over twelve American Yards) will make it so difficult for us to design sample shoes only according to the proportional calculation,therefore,please make sure that you measure the size of your feet based on the size of the shown photo and tell us the data of the measured sizes in order that your shoes are able to be customized by us more accurately
Warm Tips:Found out / discovered from the actual sales,The feet with a size of more than 50 European Yards (more than 12 American Yards) make it hard for us to design the sample shoes only based on (in accordance with) its proportional calculation,and thus please be sure to make a measurement of your own foot as the picture/photo shown and inform us of the data of the measure sizes so that we can customize/ custom-tailor your shoes more precisely/ accurately.

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