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我的语法一直很差.连什么是主谓都分不清.写暑假作业的时候拼搏了一下还是挂了~1.Seeing is believing.2.all of us like Kobe Bryant very much.3.she become a doctor in 1998.4.the books lying on the floor are mine.5.suddenly it began to rain.6.to catch the train,i got up early yesterday.7.i always find her happy.8.he wonders if i still study english.9.the letter which i received the day before yesterday was from a friend of mine.
1.(Seeing) (is) (believing). 主语 谓语 宾语 2.(All of us) (like) (Kobe Bryant) (very much). 主语 谓语 宾语 状语 3.(She) (become) (a doctor) (in 1998). 主语 谓语 宾语 时间状语 4.(T...