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请英语高手回答,不懂的禁言,元音u后面接元音时,音变成w,进行连读,如how are you;那在同一个单词中u后面也接元音,还音变成w吗?如flower,tower,shower,towel,power等,
be worry about 对……什么感到担心
I am worried about you.(我很担心你.)楼主给的句式有错,不是worry是worried.
be proud of 以……自豪
I am proud of my hometown.(我为我的家乡而自豪)
be determind to 下决心
I determined to go to school on time.(我下定决心上学不再迟到.)
prmise to do
I promised to love you forever.(我发誓我永远爱你.)
felt like doing
He felt like singing in the room.(他很喜欢在房间里唱歌)
keep one's word 遵守诺言
You should keep your word to do what you promised.(你应该信守承诺,做你答应要做的事情.)
be one's fault
It is your fault to lose this pen.(丢了这支笔是你的错.)
I am a student,so is he.(我是个学生,他也是.)
cannot help do 情不自禁的 .
I can't help thinking about you.(我情不自禁地想你)