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A book is a set or collection of written,printed,illustrated,or blank sheets,made of paper,parchment,or other material,usually fastened together to hinge at one side,and within protective covers.A single sheet within a book is called a leaf,and each side of a sheet is called a page.A book produced in electronic format is known as an e-book.
Books have always been a part of the human life dating as far back as 1800BC,as they slowly upgrade and improvised until the book we see today.Students use notebooks to copy down valuable knowledge taughtin their schools everyday.Scientists and other researchers use lab notebooks to record their work.Photograhers put their photos in an album,businesses use accounting books such as journals and ledgers to record financial data in a practice called bookkeeping.Therefore,as you may have noticed,almost every profession needs books.The relation of books and humans can then be deem as unseparable.
Books have always been a part of the human life dating as far back as 1800BC,as they slowly upgrade and improvised until the book we see today.Students use notebooks to copy down valuable knowledge taughtin their schools everyday.Scientists and other researchers use lab notebooks to record their work.Photograhers put their photos in an album,businesses use accounting books such as journals and ledgers to record financial data in a practice called bookkeeping.Therefore,as you may have noticed,almost every profession needs books.The relation of books and humans can then be deem as unseparable.
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