Peter’s uncle lives in the country. This summer Peter goes to stay with him for a few weeks. Every time they go for a walk or for a drive in the car his uncle waves (挥手) to the passer-by (路人). Peter is surprised (惊讶的) and says “Uncle George you seem to know everybody here. You’re so popular!”
“I don’t know all these people ” answers his uncle.
“Then why do you wave to them?”
“Well Peter ” says his uncle “When I wave to someone who knows me he is glad. He goes on his way with a happy heart. But when I wave to someone who doesn’t know me he is surprised and says to himself ‘ Who is that man? Why does he wave to me?’ So he has something to think about on his way and that makes him feel more excited. So I make everybody happy.”
( )1. Peter goes to the country .
A. for his winter holidays B. because his uncle is popular there
C. to spend summer with his uncle D. because he is popular there
( ) 2. When they meet somebody at any time .
A. Peter’s uncle stops and say hello to them B. Peter’s uncle waves to them
C. Peter waves to them D. Peter stops and asks them questions
( ) 3. Peter when he sees uncle waves to everybody.
A. asks his uncle “Who is that man” B. is very happy
C. is very surprised D. is not surprised
( ) 4. George tells Peter .
A. he knows all the people B. he only knows one of them
C. he does not know any of them D. he does not know all the people
( ) 5. George waves to everybody .
A. to make everybody happy B. to make Peter happy
C. to make himself happy D. to make some of the people happy
1C 2B 3C 4D 5A
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