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(4 要求激发态粒子自发辐射的寿命极短,有足够的跃迁概率.
(4 要求激发态粒子自发辐射的寿命极短,有足够的跃迁概率.
alternatively,the chemical laser refers to:the laser system generated by the population inversion,that activates the medium through chemical reaction heating effect,converting the energy to the vibrational and rotational energy of the particles.The necessary conditions for generating chemical laser are:
1,the reactions have to be exothermic.
2,the energy released from reactions must convert to thermodynamic energy to form activated particles.
3.the reactions reach the particular energy level with rapid rate (high pumping rate),to avoid the activated particles from spontaneous attenuation of radiation or enery loss by collision before laser generation.Thus it ensures the population inversion of adjacent energy levels (The particals could accumulate on the higher energy level).
4,The activated particles must have extremely low retention time of spontaneous radiation to maintain the adequate transition probability.
1,the reactions have to be exothermic.
2,the energy released from reactions must convert to thermodynamic energy to form activated particles.
3.the reactions reach the particular energy level with rapid rate (high pumping rate),to avoid the activated particles from spontaneous attenuation of radiation or enery loss by collision before laser generation.Thus it ensures the population inversion of adjacent energy levels (The particals could accumulate on the higher energy level).
4,The activated particles must have extremely low retention time of spontaneous radiation to maintain the adequate transition probability.
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