早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


(Unit 6 busy people) (51页)B2 句子补充 Mr Cao:Wow!I went every where today.Mrs Cao:Do you think so Were you at the libary?Mr Cao:Yes.I was at the library at 3:30.I was readin g English newspapers.Mrs Cao:Ok.We re you at the...Mr Cao:...(有点点的补 充)How about you?(这是另外的要补充的(要用肯定句)) To do(第一个) 10:00-swim,the swimming pool 11:30-get a haircut,the hair salon 12:30-meet Mr Zhang,the Metro stati on 3:30-read English newspapers,the library 5:15-cook dinner,home Mr Cao's list Today‘s timetable(第二个) 8:00/make breakfast at home 9:30/do martial arts at the gym 11:00/have lunch with Mrs sun at the shopping mall 2:00/play the piano at home 3:30/watch a film at the cinema 5:30/take the train home.
I went every where today,前言不搭后语啊,went是过去式,where today是怎么个情况,今天去哪;你要说我每个周末都去应该这么说啊:I go to somewhere every week