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One day a man was walking down the street when he met a penguin.Itwas a handsome bird and not at all shy.It seemed to like the man,because it waddled(摇摇摆摆地行走)up to him and then startedfollowing him wherever he went.
This was funny for a while but finally became rather embarrassing.“Goaway,you silly bird,” the man said to the penguin,but the bird took no noticeof him.It just would not leave him alone.Wherever he went,the bird went too.
At last,the man could do nothing but walk into a police station.
“Excuse me,officer,” he said,“but I need some advice.I met thispenguin on the street,and I don’t know what to do with it.” A bored policemanlooked up from what he was writing and said,“Just take it to the zoo,sir.”
“Oh,of course.Thank you.That’s a good idea,” the man said.
The next day the man was walking along the street,still followed bythe penguin,when he met the policeman he’d spoken to the day before.Thepoliceman was not pleased to see them.
“I thought I advised you to take that animal to the zoo,” he said.
“Well,yes,officer,you did.And I did take him to the zoo,” theman said.“We had a great time.But we can’t go to the zoo every day.I thoughttoday I’d take him to the movies.”
1.Did the man like the penguin when he met it on the street?(C)A.Yes,he liked it very much B.Yes,he liked it,but not too much C.No,He didn't like it at all.D.He had no idea about that.2.Why the man br...