早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
I am going for holiday for this coming winter season with my family.
It is my first holiday for me to go for a white Christmas in Europe which make me very happy.And My father and I have planned to travel by air and to leave for London,Paris and Rome for two weeks.My dad can visit his friend in UK and my aunt in Paris and my dad's professor is in Rome.Hence,we would like to get some tokens for them.And we plan to sketching in three these three places.We have to get ourself equipped with strong winter clothing and gears.I love the Big Bang and the cultural rich Rome and Paris.
It is my first holiday for me to go for a white Christmas in Europe which make me very happy.And My father and I have planned to travel by air and to leave for London,Paris and Rome for two weeks.My dad can visit his friend in UK and my aunt in Paris and my dad's professor is in Rome.Hence,we would like to get some tokens for them.And we plan to sketching in three these three places.We have to get ourself equipped with strong winter clothing and gears.I love the Big Bang and the cultural rich Rome and Paris.
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