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  “What would you do if you were the mayor( 市长 )of your city? We asked some students from different cities Here’s what they said

  Deng Chuan 15 from Dazhou

  With the development of modern industry( 工业 ) more and more waste water is being poured into the Zhouhe River It has caused serious pollution The river is becoming so dirty that few living things can live in it So if I were the mayor I would order all the factories that pour the waste water into the river to close down As we all know water is the source( 根源 )of our lives It is very important to protect water

  Zhang Yan 14 from Chengdu

  Our city is more and more beautiful But sometimes it’s not convenient for the blind There are not enough pavements( 人行道 )in our city Some of the old ones are broken They may not be safe to walk on!If I were the mayor of our city I would build more pavements for the blind

  Wang Lili 16 from Chongqing

  There are more and more old people in our city And there are not enough places for them to relax and enjoy themselves So if I were the mayor I would build an activity center in each residential( 住宅 )area for the old So old people can play cards or chess This will make old people not feel lonely any more and spend remaining years comfortably


What does Deng Chuan care for?

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Water pollution


Air pollution


Pavements for the blind


Activity centers for the old


Who’s the youngest of the three students?

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Deng Chuan


Zhang Yan


Wang Lili


I don’t know


Which of the following is FALSE ?

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It’s very important for Dazhou to protect water


There aren’t enough places for the old people to relax and enjoy themselves in Chongqing


There are enough pavements for the blind in Chongqing


Some of the old pavements in Chengdu are broken
