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某地要新建一所图书馆,现在设计师Dr huang正在向全体市民征求意见,请你以残疾人的角度为图书馆的设计提供一些意见。
1. 出入口的设计要符合轮椅出入;2. 电梯的设计;3. 洗手间的设计。
注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
参考词汇:设施 facility,电梯:lift;

Dr huang,
I am a disabled student. I heard that a new library will be set up in our city, and you are asking for advice on the design of the library.
In my opinion, the design of the exit should be made suitable for wheelchairs to come in and get out. As for lifts, They should be designed for the disabled, for example, the buttons of the lifts shouldn’t be too high for us to reach. When designing toilets, you should take the needs of people with disability into consideration. I think the most important is that the facilities of the toilet should be available to us.
