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With the development and perfection of China's capital market, China's listing Corporation has become the main part of the market economy. To develop the financial performance evaluation in the listing Corporation,whether on the transformation of government functions and strengthenmacro control, and for the company to improve management, and provides the basis for the investors to judge the quality of the listing Corporation, all has the vital significance. In order to assess the financial condition of thelisting Corporation, reasonable to determine the weight of each index andthe comprehensive evaluation model is established by factor analysis. At the same time use data and the results of the analysis software of SPSSfactor analysis, the comprehensive evaluation of the situation. Multivariate statistical analysis comprehensive evaluation method for the listing Corporation's financial situation, not only help to correctly guide the behavior of enterprise, promote the enterprises to strengthen management,improve economic efficiency, but also the implementation of indirectmanagement for government departments, strengthening the objectiveregulation and investors to make decision provides the basis

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