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Time is running out. Dr James Hansen, a leading climatologist from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), recently stated that the world is now in "imminent peril". Dr Qin Dahe from the Chinese Academy of Sciences also stated "Climate change has already brought severe and obvious threats to the economic and social development of China".
The window for avoiding that peril is narrow, and closing rapidly, but it is not yet closed. With the right leadership, the world can bring global greenhouse gas emissions under control, set them on a downward trajectory, and avoid the most catastrophic impacts of global warming.
China has begun work on a new energy law that places strong emphasis on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, demonstrating that greener development is not only possible but desirable. Should the new Energy Law be passed, it would provide guidance for China's energy strategy in its 12th Five Year Plan.
As the largest global greenhouse emitters, the United States and China have an historic opportunity to show decisive leadership. Commitments from both nations may differ but the urgency of the task facing us means every nation must play their part. There are encouraging signs that the two nations have already started some Ping Pong diplomacy on climate and energy issues in the lead up to this week's meeting

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