早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
英语作文 在线等!
提示:cut shapes in paper(剪纸)
put up antithetical couplets(贴对联)
set off fireworks(放鞭炮)
提示:cut shapes in paper(剪纸)
put up antithetical couplets(贴对联)
set off fireworks(放鞭炮)
Dear Bob,
Hello.I'm glad to hear that you are coming to China to spend Spring Festival with me.Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.People have a long holiday,they gather at home from different working places to meet their families.We have many activities for Spring Festival.First of all,we cut shapes in paper and stick them on the windows.We put up antithetical couplets on the doors of the living room.And people,especially children set off fireworks around their houses.Second,We have rich meals during the holidays.On Eve night,all memembers of the family sit at table,have dumpings.Parents give pocket money to their children.The next day,the first day of the lunar year,everyone is dressed in new clothes.
I am looking forward to your coming,and don't forget to take some warm clothes with you,for it's quite cold during Spring Festival here.
Hello.I'm glad to hear that you are coming to China to spend Spring Festival with me.Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.People have a long holiday,they gather at home from different working places to meet their families.We have many activities for Spring Festival.First of all,we cut shapes in paper and stick them on the windows.We put up antithetical couplets on the doors of the living room.And people,especially children set off fireworks around their houses.Second,We have rich meals during the holidays.On Eve night,all memembers of the family sit at table,have dumpings.Parents give pocket money to their children.The next day,the first day of the lunar year,everyone is dressed in new clothes.
I am looking forward to your coming,and don't forget to take some warm clothes with you,for it's quite cold during Spring Festival here.
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