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Insights for Life
Life is a single opportunity.It is an experience that is unique for everyone,yet somehow one’s insight could matter and apply to a million others.The ideals in one’s heart are always flawlessly beautiful and a full demonstration of greatness,however,the roads to achieving these ideals are always hard to figure out.We are often keen on our dreams,but we often forget that action fills the gap between our dreams and reality.No matter which direction we are running towards,we must always keep in mind where we are,what are responsibilities are,and what position we have in reality.It is unavoidable how the struggles we have in society are so complicated and heavy on our shoulders that it already quenches our cravings for our dreams.One way or the other,we have learnt to breathe under the pressure of living.Although you might think that resting is a waste of time,it is not only a boost of energy after a tiresome struggle,but also an opportunity to think and reflect.Thinking is one of the most important processes in maintaining one’s life.Without working your thoughts,your life would stop growing.While we are thinking,perhaps there is a chance of us losing our sense of direction.We start getting lost amidst the many waves of challenges we face,thus we start learning how to search for the way out.Life in a way is a demonstration of a street – as you walk to the end of one,the road leads you to two others.The dilemmas we face urge us to make difficult decisions.Sometimes the challenges in life are no different from solid walls that stand right in front of you,blocking your way to success.It is from overcoming these challenges that we learn to face them and not escaping.When God closes a door,He opens a window.When we look back at all the happenings in life,we slowly discover that despite the many dark corners,there are brighter settings where light had shone brightly upon.We discover small things that are actually of such beauty,and sadly the fact that we had forgotten to appreciate.Countless fascinating things surround us,but will us to use another pair of eyes to uncover their magnificence.It is with these words that we must be happy,regardless of the cold we stand in,and despite how the road in front of us is marked with stormy weather; we should have faith and turn these thoughts into our words and our blood – not giving up is our way to success.Regardless of our surroundings,our hearts will undoubtedly stay warm.Treasure these insights,and you will live the meaning of life.
(459 words)

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