早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


21 His debt now amounts ______ £100.
22 Mix the contents of this packet ______ a little________ this?
23 I knocked ______ the door.
24 Whom does this book belong ______?
25 I reasoned ______ him, but he would not listen______me.
26 She's accustomed ______ living in comfort.She'll never part ______ her precious possessions.
27 At what time will you call ______me? better.
28 The spy surrendered himself ______ the enemyand was condemned______ death.
29 I've looked ______ it everywhere, but I can'tfind it.
30 I'll see ______ the cooking tonight.
31 I must apologize ______ keeping you waiting.exercise?
32 The class failed to respond ______ theteacher's new methods.
33 He turned ______ me for help, even after I hadquarrelled ______ him.
34 Like Micawber, I hope ______something
35 Please apply ______ the secretary forinformation.
36 There was a note attached ______ the parcel.
37 Just guess ______the price of this carpet.
38 How long have you been working ______this
39 The concert began ______ a piece by an unknowncomposer.
40 How much did they charge you ______ that?
21 to
22 with, of
23 at/on
24 to
25 for, to
26 to, from
27 on
28 with, to
29 for
30 to
31 for
32 to
33 to, with
34 for
35 to
36 with
37 about
38 on
39 with
40 for