早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
会出现一些新的变化 ,中餐应该博采众长、 不断发
展完善.以中餐为体 ,以西餐为用 ,依托中餐的四
大菜系或八大菜系 ,发展中国的饮食文化和审美情
趣 ,适当地吸收西餐的科技元素 ,使两者取长补短、
有机融合 ,这是中国餐饮打造品牌、 走向国际化的
文化的交流与融合变得越来越美和富有魅力 ,这种
美和魅力是融合了中西饮食文化的精髓 ,是饮食文
会出现一些新的变化 ,中餐应该博采众长、 不断发
展完善.以中餐为体 ,以西餐为用 ,依托中餐的四
大菜系或八大菜系 ,发展中国的饮食文化和审美情
趣 ,适当地吸收西餐的科技元素 ,使两者取长补短、
有机融合 ,这是中国餐饮打造品牌、 走向国际化的
文化的交流与融合变得越来越美和富有魅力 ,这种
美和魅力是融合了中西饮食文化的精髓 ,是饮食文
The development trend of China and the west diet culture
The Chinese diet culture in and around the world will exchange
There will be some new changes,Chinese audiences,constantly hair should be
Exhibition.In Chinese,with western food for lunch for use,relying on the four
Big cuisines,or eight famous Chinese cuisines,development of Chinese food culture and aesthetic feeling
Dull,absorb the western technology appropriately,make two elements from each other,
The organic integration,this is Chinese food brand and internationalization
Important measures.The world will be as western diet culture
Cultural exchanges and integration is becoming more and more beautiful and charming,this
Beauty and charm is combined Chinese and western diet culture essence,is eating
The new space beauty and charm.
The Chinese diet culture in and around the world will exchange
There will be some new changes,Chinese audiences,constantly hair should be
Exhibition.In Chinese,with western food for lunch for use,relying on the four
Big cuisines,or eight famous Chinese cuisines,development of Chinese food culture and aesthetic feeling
Dull,absorb the western technology appropriately,make two elements from each other,
The organic integration,this is Chinese food brand and internationalization
Important measures.The world will be as western diet culture
Cultural exchanges and integration is becoming more and more beautiful and charming,this
Beauty and charm is combined Chinese and western diet culture essence,is eating
The new space beauty and charm.
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