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Just finished watching this superb film literally ten minutes ago.
Taken is probably this years most under-rated film.Easily.For a person whom enjoyed The Dark Knight,Wanted (although after watching it for the second time I realised how stupid it actually was),Hellboy 2 and Cloverfield.
All movies which I thoroughly enjoyed and would say are probably in my top 100 fave of all time.
I had put off watching Taken for a while purely because I hated Maggie Grace from LOST.But you'll be glad to know her role although it is a 'main role' it isn't really huge in appearances.She's there at the start and she's there at the end.Personally overall,I think she was actually a good actress in the film!Portrayed a young innocent girl quite well,hell - even lied really well!Taken is basically about an ex Marine/Mercanery (Liam Neeson) whom unreluctantly lets his 17 year old girl (Maggie Grace) and her friend who go to Paris.Upon arriving to Paris they are kidnapped by Women Trafficers whom kidnap women,get them addicted to drugs and either make them prostitutes or sell them on to others.The 17 year old girl makes a quick phone call to her father (Liam Neeson) screaming that she is being kidnapped.The father gets a flight into Paris to get her back.Using his Mercanery experience he goes deep into the underworld of Paris to look for clues and information to his daughters whereabouts.
But what makes Taken so much better than Wanted and etc?It's realistic and it shows the world a real problem the world is facing.It isn't about a secret agent who goes against his government/country to get revenge for a girl he knew for like ten minutes.It isn't about a slack job office boy who becomes a lethal bullet bending assassin in twenty minutes.It is a simple,realistic movie that honestly takes you down into the shallowest darkest places of Paris and shows you just how harsh the real world is.It doesn't sugar coat it,it doesn't 'Americanize' it (By Americanize I mean dumb it down,go over the top or make it unbelievable) - it simply shows the viewer just how lethal and scary the underworld can be.
Anyone who enjoys a good action movie,something with a compelling story will LOVE this film.It doesn't have any stupid over the top action scenes,Liam Neeson doesn't have any outrageous gadgets.He doesn't have super powers.He's simply a father wants to find his daughter and to find her he is willing to do anything in the world.
Watch this movie.You will love it.Trust me.

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