早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
It was scientists who warned that greenhouse gases would warm the earth by trapping heat energy in the atmosphere.
It is the greenhouse effect that gives the earth's surface the average temperature of 15
It is fossil fuels that much of the energy used to light and heat our homes comes from.
It is the developed countries that consume the most energy in the world.
It is for centuries that carbon dioxide has the tendency to stay in the atmosphere while other greenhouse gases stay in the atmosphere only for a day or less.
It is their very existence that low-lying countries feel is in danger from rising sea levels.
It is environmentalists who have tried to stop the earth's temperature rising.
It is future climate changes and their effects on our environment that scientists want to find out about.
It is by several metres that the level of the sea could rise in the years ahead because of global warming.
It is outer space that might provide us with new energy sources in the future.
It was scientists who warned that greenhouse gases would warm the earth by trapping heat energy in the atmosphere.
It is the greenhouse effect that gives the earth's surface the average temperature of 15
It is fossil fuels that much of the energy used to light and heat our homes comes from.
It is the developed countries that consume the most energy in the world.
It is for centuries that carbon dioxide has the tendency to stay in the atmosphere while other greenhouse gases stay in the atmosphere only for a day or less.
It is their very existence that low-lying countries feel is in danger from rising sea levels.
It is environmentalists who have tried to stop the earth's temperature rising.
It is future climate changes and their effects on our environment that scientists want to find out about.
It is by several metres that the level of the sea could rise in the years ahead because of global warming.
It is outer space that might provide us with new energy sources in the future.
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