早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
英语选修六 51页2、3题答案!
If Shirley didn't eat too much salty food,she wouldn't get high-blood pressure.
If she had known how to convey her feelings well in a poem,I wouldn't have helped her.
If there had not been a lack of concrete evidence,Clive wouldn't have been relaxed.
If she hadn't read many beautiful poems,her writing skills wouldn't have gradually improved.
If the poem had had an appropriate ending,she would have won the competition.
If he hadn't worked hard for a long time,she wouldn't have translated the Chinese poem into English eventually.
you had been interested in me
we would go on a trip around the world
there were no wars on this planet
her English would have improved a lot by now
I'd go parachuting (faling down)
he had been a year older
If Shirley didn't eat too much salty food,she wouldn't get high-blood pressure.
If she had known how to convey her feelings well in a poem,I wouldn't have helped her.
If there had not been a lack of concrete evidence,Clive wouldn't have been relaxed.
If she hadn't read many beautiful poems,her writing skills wouldn't have gradually improved.
If the poem had had an appropriate ending,she would have won the competition.
If he hadn't worked hard for a long time,she wouldn't have translated the Chinese poem into English eventually.
you had been interested in me
we would go on a trip around the world
there were no wars on this planet
her English would have improved a lot by now
I'd go parachuting (faling down)
he had been a year older
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