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自选与寒假春节或今年冬天冰雪灾害有关的 话题
随便上个外国新闻网站找关于Chinese snow storms的新闻就行了啊!
Driving sleet, freezing temperatures and a blanket of snow across southern China have paralysed trains and aircraft, stranding tens of millions of people trying to get home for the biggest holiday in the Chinese calendar.
The worst weather in 50 years pummelled swaths of central, southern and eastern China as migrant workers and students, business travellers and officials assigned to provincial postings battled for tickets to join their families for the lunar new year holiday.
The human tide strains public transport every year even though the authorities pull dozens of extra trains into service and lay on additional flights to try to cope. With new year's day falling on February 7 this year, the bad weather has swept China just as the number of travellers is reaching its peak.

春雪1、入春以来,接连下了几场大雪。每次看到这一片白茫茫的世界,心头总涌出无限欣喜,是的,这是八十  2020-05-17 …

沁园春雪1.作者对雪景的具体描述,由哪个词领起?它统领了那些句子?2.对于这样杰出的历史人物,词人  2020-06-10 …

文学常识填空。(1)《沁园春·雪》的体裁是,其中“沁园春”是,“雪”是。(2)《沁园春·雪》的主旨  2020-06-10 …

春雪韩愈新年都未有芳华,二月初惊见草芽.白雪却嫌春色晚,故穿庭树作飞花.(1)用自己的语言描述诗歌  2020-06-12 …

按照要求填空。(1)《沁园春·雪》的词牌是,题目是。一首词的词牌决定了词的,题目决定了词的。(2)  2020-06-22 …

关于沁园春雪1.本首词中,作者使用了许多极具色彩的词语,如“山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象”,“看红妆素裹,分  2020-07-06 …

“飞雪带春风徘徊乱绕空”出处答:1、“飞雪带春风,徘徊乱绕空”出自《春雪》,是唐代刘方平诗作。2、  2020-07-26 …

阅读韩愈的《春雪》,完成后面题目。春雪新年都未有芳华,二月初惊见草芽。白雪却嫌春色晚,故穿庭树作飞  2020-07-26 …

《沁圆春雪》的词牌是什么一首词的词牌决定了词的什么?题目决定了词的什么?沁圆春雪的词牌是  2020-12-10 …

关于文学常识说法有误的是A.《沁园春·雪》是毛泽东写的一首词,“沁园春”是词牌,与词的内容无一定联系  2020-12-10 …