早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


(说明:Directions:You are required to identify the only one mistake among the four underlined parts.)
1.In another way(A) failure may be(B) a way towards(C) success(D).(capitalization or/and punctuation)
2.On(A) the seventh time he made it,(B) and went on(C) to spin his web(D).(capitalization or/and punctuation)
3.I am aware of the fact(A) that who(B) stands by(C) the roadway cheering for(D) Queen Victoria dishonours Ireland.
4.He went(A) to work too(B) late that the manager(C) had to send for him again(D) before he arrived.
5.The rose may grow as(A) a low bush and(B) as a tree,depending(C) on how it(D) is trimmed.
6.Think about this question --(A) "If(B) I do succeed in this,(C) where will it get me?"(D) (capitalization or/and punctuation)
7.Please write out(A) the answer to(B) the questions at(C) the end of Eight Chapter.(D)
8.Apart from(A) this kind of(B) technical training,there are probably only two subjects worth being known(C) anything(D) about,physiology and psychology.
9.Modern buttons,unlike early(A) ones,are frequently(B) mass-produced(C) and usually made of(D) plastic.
10.The pronunciations indicated are those current in good society(A) ,and where(B) more than one pronunciation of the same word are(C) current ,both are given,with the one preferred being put(D) first.
我来试试:1.In another way(A) (On the other hand) 2.On(A) (In) 3.who(B) (whoever) 4.too(B) (so) 5.and(B) (or) 6.where will it get me?"(D) (where does it get me?) 7.write out(A) (write down) 8.worth being known(C) (worth knowing) 9.unlike early(A) (unlike the early) 10.current in good society(A) (currently good in society)

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