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Advocate the largest producer of large-market consumer in China's socialist market economy and the establishment while to adapt to the modern logistics, to create China's modern green logistics, to promote energy efficient, green is not only necessary, but also urgent.With China's accession to the WTO since the green logistics has become a new Following the green manufacturing, green consumption, green hot. Foreign logistics enterprises to enter China's market is bound to be a huge shock to China's logistics enterprises. This means that there will be huge in the future of the logistics industry in turmoil and competition. China's logistics industry to step up the development of green logistics to deal with future challenges and important opportunities for the upper hand in the competition. I introduced this green logistics development in developed countries and the domestic gap, make emphasis on green logistics in China and speed up development.

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“既要金山银山,又要绿水青山.”这句话的意思是说A创业者不能只顾着赚钱,同时还要注意保护环境B消费  2020-06-19 …

列举生活存在的破坏环境的消费行为,我们如何消费才能够更好地保护环境?  2020-06-20 …

驱车沿武汉绕城公路(简称外环)行进,会看到全长188km的现代化高速公路两侧,各有100m宽号称“中  2020-11-12 …

“重物质消费,轻文化消费”,违背了合理消费的原则是:[]A.量入为出适度消费B.避免盲从理性消费C.  2020-11-21 …

急,《保护环境,绿色消费》研究报告.《保护环境,绿色消费》研究报告课题名称:选题依据:研究目的:调查  2020-11-28 …

形成节约能源资源和保护生态环境的消费模式,是全面建设小康社会的新要求之一。做理性消费者应该践行绿色消  2020-12-17 …

建设生态文明,还要形成节约能源资源和保护生态环境的消费模式。与此相适应的消费观是()①保护环境,提倡  2020-12-21 …

绿色消费是人们追求美好、洁净环境,既满足生活需要,又不浪费资源和不污染环境的消费模式。下列符合绿色消  2020-12-25 …

问一下人是处于炎热环境下消耗热量多还是处于寒冷状态下?跑步在什么环境下更容易消耗热量?我在别人的问问  2021-01-08 …