早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



         My mum was (and still is ) a fast-food cook. My dad worked in a factory. When I was a little girl, my
sister and I saw them come home very tired night after night. We knew how hard they worked and we
appreciated (满意) everything we received. 
         On the other hand, my kids see me work at the computer in the comfortable home. We live in a town
where most children get pretty much everything they want. Heartfelt thanks are few. So how do we make sure
the kids understand the value (价值) of all that they have?
        ◆It's important to explain (解释) to them why you can't buy expensive presents. Today's newspapers
and TV programs seem to be calling on children to ask for everything, so it helps to discuss what's really
possible and what's not.
        ◆It's also necessary to show them not all presents come from a shop. For example, next holiday they can
make cakes for all their friends and decorate the boxes themselves.
        ◆Give older children chances to serve in kitchens, tell them about people who have nothing on cold wet
nights and tell them about parts of the world where food cannot be found.
        ◆Encourage them to give some of their pocket money to others. Give away unwanted clothes and toys
to those who need them. 
        ◆Set time to have them write down things they are thankful for. Then they will know all they have. And
teach them to say thank you for any present they receive.
        ◆In the end, the most important thing is you should do everything you ask your kids to do.
1. Does the writer have any children?
2. Who is the passage written for?
3. How many pieces of advice (建议) does the passage give us?
4. What's wrong with today's children?
5. Why do today's children have the problem?

1. Yes, she does. / Yes. 2. It's written for parents. / Parents. 3. It gives us six pieces of advice. / 6 4. They don't appreciate what they have. 5. Because it's too easy for them to get what...

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