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Imagine the scene: You come home after work feeling too tired to cook only to find a delicious m   1  waiting for you.

It sounds like a dream. However it could be about to come true thanks to a robot cook

i   2    by British scientists. They have come up with a set of robotic arms which are able to cook nice food. Perhaps people can b   3   the device in 2017 as a part of high-tech kitchen. Since it seems to be so useful in the future scientists spent a   4   18 years developing the hands which are each controlled by 24 motors 26 micro-controllers and 129 sensors ( 感应器 ).

Some people prefer to go to well-known restaurants b   5  they are not cheap and may be quite far from the home. It is a chance for people to enjoy very good food cooked by robots at a suitable p   6 . The only dish that is off the robot’s menu at the moment is sushi which

r   7   nimble ( 灵活的 ) fingers to make but the team plan to solve this problem as well by the time it goes to the m   8  .

Users will be able to ‘order’ dinner on their way home or breakfast for next morning when they w   9  up. They can use an app on their smartphone. Picking menus depends on the ingredients ( 配料 ) they have. They will also be able to c   10   dishes based on personal needs.

And just in case the unit has emergency equipment if there’s a fire.


1. meal    2. invented      3. buy     4. almost        5. but

6. price         7. requires     8. market(s)         9. wake  10. choose


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