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根据对话内容写一篇短文,开头句子已给出. (D = Doctor, L = Li Hua)
D: Good morning, young man. What’s wrong with you?
L: Good morning. I’m not feeling well. I often feel weak and tired. And I’ve got a headache, too.
D: Let me examine you. Open your mouth and say “Ah”. L: Ah…
D: There’s nothing much wrong with you. You just have a cold.
L: I often catch a cold.
D: Yes, you’re too weak. You’d better take enough exercise and have some vegetables and fruit every day. Then you’ll be stronger and healthier.
L: Must I take some medicine?
D: Yes. Take this medicine three times a day and drink much water. You’ll be better soon.
One day Li Hua didn’t feel well.
One day Li Hua didn’t feel well.He decided to see the doctor.The doctor examined him and told him that he just had a cold.Then Li Hua told the doctor that he often catch a cold.The doctor explained t...