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阅读下面短文 根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填入恰当的单词.
     A smart card is a card that is carried with either a microprocessor and a memory chip or only a
memory chip that is not programmable. The microprocessor card can add delete and deal with the
information on the card while a memorychip card can only do one thing.
     Smart cards unlike magnetic stripe cards can do many different things and hold a lot of information.
In this way they do not need to get information from a faraway place when they are used.
     Today there are several kinds of smart cards all of which are very popular in the market: IC
(Integrated Circuit) Microprocessor Cards (chip cards) offer a larger memory and better security
than the traditional magnetic stripe cards do. Chip cards can also hold data. These cards are used for
many things. Thus chips have been the main platform for cards that hold a secure digital identity. Some
examples of these cards are:
     Cards that hold money.
     Cards that provide safe access to a network.
     Cards that allow setting stop boxes on televisions to remain safe from privacy.
     Optical Memory Cards look like cards with a piece of CD on the top. Optical memory cards can
store up to 4MB of data. But once written the data cannot be changed or removed. Thus this type
of card is good for keeping records such as medical files driving records or travel histories. Today
these have no processors in them (although this is coming in the near future). While the cards are almost
as cheap as chip cards the card readers are expensive.
                                                Title: 1. ________ cards
Types 3.________ Disadvantages Similarities
IC Chip Cards A larger memory & better 4.________ to hold data Not mentioned
Optical 2.________ Cards Store much data.
Good for 5.________ drivers and
6.________to keep records.
7. ________ not much.
8.________ data.
No processors.
Expensive card
9. ________.
Popularity. Large
10.. ________.
Low cost of cards.

1. Smart
2. Memory
3. Advantages
4. security
5. doctors
6. travelers
7. Cost
8. Unchangeable
9. readers
10. memory

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