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     As parents,I do not believe that any of us sets out to raise a child that is disrespectful or bratty (无礼的).
Here are some helpful tips on how to raise a bratty child so that you can have a child that will be a benefit to
     It doesn't take long for a toddler (学步儿童) to toddle right into trouble of some kind.This is the perfect
time for parents to teach the child not to do that action again. 1_____ Helping a child to behave in an acceptable
manner is a necessary part of raising the child well.Discipline is a useful teaching tool to guide a child.I think
it's necessary to explain to children what responsibility means.Responsibilities mean the things you have to do.
As parents,you should say to your children "If you play with your toys,it's your responsibility to put them
away." Besides,coach your children in their responsibilities. 2_____ 
     Children should use their time well.We can't let a child do the same thing again and again.When kids are
bored,they can end up in trouble creating problems for themselves and others.3_____ Children should be told
not to waste their time and they should make full use of their time to do useful things.
     The children who are eager to increase their pocket money should be taught that money does not come
easily.For example,when parents buy school lunch for their children,they should put this spending into
children's pocket money.If children want to get much more money,parents can ask them to cook the lunch
themselves. 4_____ Parents should let their children know how to be in charge of their "expenses" and manage
their expenditure (花费). 
     5_____ It is your responsibility to help and guide your kids.So,the next time you see a bratty kid remember:
they didn't get that way themselves,and they have parents who didn't take time to teach them.
A.Parents should be strict with children.
B.You,the parent,whom kids rely on.
C.This process is called discipline.
D.You should encourage children to be kind.
E.I think it's very important that kids should be coached and not just lectured to.
F.Parents should encourage their children to save their pocket money.
G.Sports,activities and chores are a few things to help give kids something to fill their time.

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