早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


     What is the secret of writing a good letter?Here are two main ones.Don't try to be fancy.Don't try
to impress your reader.You will be successful if you follow these seven Cs.
     Clear.Use short,direct sentences._____ 1 _____ You can write as if the reader were right there
with you.Above all,don't use an introduction.
     Correct.____ 2 _____ Don't guess,even for spelling.Refer to your dictionary.If you need to,check
a reference book,too.
     Complete.Don't scatter(分散,散开) your points.___ _3 _______ This is good organization too.
     Courteous(有礼貌的).Be friendly rather than overly casual(过于随便).Present your information
nicely even if you are complaining about something.In all letters,treat others as you want them to treat
Concise(简洁的).Make each point as clearly and briefly as you can.
     Conversational.This is really the secret of good writing. ____ 4 _______ Such a letter has a natural,
friendly tone.Let you come through naturally.
     Considerate(体贴的).___ _5 ______ Write about what you believe the reader needs or wants to
know.Try to be helpful.This will build good feeling toward you.
     The seven Cs are about writing letters.But how about school papers?Use the seven Cs.Write as if
you are talking to your teacher or professor.You'll be surprised.You'll almost instantly become a good
writer.And you might even enjoy writing from now on.
A.Just " talk" to the person.
B.Think of the readers' point of view as you write.
C.Make them easy to understand.
D.Include long sentences in your letter.
E.Make sure what you say is correct.
F.Writing should not be taken too seriously.
G.Finish one point completely before going on to the next.

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阅读下面的漫画,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。(60分)要求:①选准角度;②明确立意;③自选文  2020-12-05 …

根据文段内容,选择正确的一项是()有人说,宽容是一种润滑剂,;宽容是一种镇定剂,;宽容是一束阳光,;  2021-01-05 …

11.根据文段内容选择短语填空,正确的一项是()有人说,宽容是一种润滑剂,;宽容是一种镇定剂,;宽容  2021-01-05 …