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阅读理解: 阅读下面短文 根据短文内容 选择最佳选项. There is a one-day holiday in most western countries on New Year's Day. The real celebrations for New Year happen on New Year's Eve梩he night before New Year's Day. There are several interesting customs in the West and there are many differences from country to country. Though Christmas is a good time for families to get together New Year is a time for some people to be with friends too. Parties are most often held to welcome New Year. At such parties there is food and drinks and dances until New Year draws near. At midnight people often say "Happy New Year" to each other. Champagne is a favorite drink for New Year. In many western countries fireworks are let off at midnight and many people like to make a noise possibly to drive away evil spirits. One Scottish song Auld Lang Sync is often sung on New Year's Day.


People usually have great celebrations for New Year on ________.

A. New Year's Day

B. the night before New Year's Eve

C. the night of New Year's Day

D. New Year's Eve

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In the West New Year is also a time when ________.

A. friends get together

B. friends write to each other

C. people can have a week's holiday

D. people can go from country to country

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The underlined word "fireworks" in the passage means ________.

A. 烟火

B. 战争

C. 火灾

D. 射击

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On New Year's Eve western people often ________. a. hold parties to welcome New Yearb. make a noise to drive away evil spiritsc. drink with friends or familiesd. say"Happy New Year"to each othere. sing a Scottish songf. let off fireworks

A. a b c e

B. c d e f

C. b c d f

D. a b e f

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This passage mainly tells us ________.

A. western people drink together on New Year's Eve

B. how western people spend their New Year's Eve

C. what western people eat on New Year's Day

D. western people have a good time on New Year's Day

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答案:1.D ;2.A ;3.A ;4.C ;5.B ;

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