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  Clem Quinn was always interested in flying. When he was five, he tried to fly by jumping off the garden shed (小棚) with a golf umbrella, but when he was in his twenties he didn't become a pilot(飞行员), he became a taxi driver. Then 20 years ago he did a parachute(跳伞) jump and loved it. He thought that being a taxi driver in London was a lot more dangerous than jumping out of a plane, so he moved to the country to learn parachute jumping and sky-diving. He says:

  “I love sky-diving because the world looks so good-blue sky, green fields, white clouds. You float(漂浮) through the air, it's like floating in water. You can see forever, all the way to the French coast(海岸). The scenery is beautiful. You can forget all your worries. People think it is dangerous but it's very safe. Football is much more dangerous. Footballers often have accidents. When did you last hear of a sky-diving accident? Next July I'm going to do a sky-dive with 100 people from six planes. That's a record. I'm never going to give up. I'm going to jump out of planes until I'm an old man.”

1.What job did he do when he was in his twenties?

When he was in his twenties, he didn't become a pilot, he ________ a taxi, ________.

2.Why does he like the sport?

He loves the sport because he loves ________ the scenery in the ________.

3.What's the record according to the passage?

There are a ________ people and ________ planes taking part in the sky-dive.


1.became, instead;2.enjoying (watching), sky;3.hundred, six


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