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  Times are changing especially for the British. Afternoon tea has been part of everyday life for the British for centuries. But now Britons have discovered the joys of coffee turning their backs on tea and rushing to the new coffee bars that have started appearing all over the country.

  The advance of the coffee bar clearly reflects Continental European influence on British countries where coffee is a much greater part of the culture. The French for example prefer to sit in a cafe and drink cups of coffee.

  The increase in high quality coffee is part of a wider trend - a growing taste for foreign food and drinks in Britain. Many Indian Chinese Arabic and other restaurants appear in large numbers across Britain's cities.

  “A lot of it is about image about wanting to be something that we're not ” says Jessica the manager of one of Britain's best known coffee companies.

  Yet some British people say they've become more like the rest of Europe through America. American coffee chain Starbucks has pushed the idea that enjoying a cup of coffee can compete with the tradition of afternoon tea.

  However coffee shops haven't yet been successful in winning against the pub. They have provided a pleasant new choice but after hours the pub and beer still rule.

1.What is the trend in Britain at present?

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A.People get used to the joys of sitting in a cafe.

B.People don't like tea as much as in the past.

C.People are eager to go to pubs and bars.

D.People no longer depend on tea.

2.“Indian Chinese Arabic and other restaurants appearing” shows ________.

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A.people want to taste something not traditional

B.people would like to be different from others

C.people have begun to be like the rest of Europe

D.people like to increase food in high quality

3.Why does the writer say coffee shops haven't been successful in winning against the pub?

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A.Coffee shops are not traditional.

B.People enjoy other things.

C.Times are always changing.

D.The pub and beer are more popular.

  本篇难度较大,大致的意思是“时过境迁,欧洲文化也会随岁月的流逝发生巨大变化。在饮食文化方面,许多英国人开始发现咖啡的乐趣,许多外国菜馆也出现在英国的许多城市,人们开始品尝异域的食品。但是咖啡馆并没有代替英国的传统酒吧。新式的咖啡只是给人们提供了一种新选择。”   1.本题的关键在于题目本身,它强调的地点是in Britain,需要我们找到“英国目前所发生的新变化”。原文中写到But now Britons have discovered the joys of coffee,turning their backs on tea and rushing to the new coffee bars that have starred appearing all over the country.该句的大意是“但是现在的英国人已经发现了咖啡的乐趣,他们改变了饮茶的习惯而转向了遍布全国的新咖啡馆。”答案A的意思是“人们习惯了坐在咖啡馆里”,与原文有较大差异的地方是sitting in a cafe。答案C的大意是“人们都急切地想去咖啡馆和酒吧”,与原文出入较大的地方是pubs。答案D的问题出在使用了副词no longer,意思是“不再”,意义上过于绝对。实际上,英国人只不过不像过去那样迷恋茶,开始喜欢饮用咖啡了。   2.原文写到The increase in high quality coffee is part of a wider trend-a growing taste for foreign food and drinks in Britain.Many Indian…重要的内容在该句中提到的解释部分a growing taste for foreign food and drinks,意思是“尝试外国的食物和饮料是一种时尚和潮流”,因此英国人想尝试的是一些非传统的东西。   3.作者在文章的最后一句对该现象做出了他的解释,They have provided a pleasant new choice,but after hours the pub and beer still rule.意思是“它们已经给人们提供了一种愉快的新选择,但是随着时间的流逝,酒吧和啤酒仍会统治英国。”作者并没有对茶、咖啡、啤酒进行直接比较,他是从时间的角度来分析它们的兴衰的。