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写一篇短文假如让你与老师互换角色,你会怎么做并有什么样的感想?请以if i am teacher为题
If I am a teacher, I must all contribute the complete knowledge, must let schoolmates on practice divination with ease such, is always lively, is interesting, lets the knowledge which they learn many, lets them most fall in love with my english lesson especially.
If I am a teacher, I can let them know runs into the human to have to understand politeness, respects authority respects long, respect for elders care for the young.
If I am a teacher, I can let schoolmates in teacher not at time does not speak, the well review schoolwork, must let them achieve in front of the class to prepare a lesson, in the class listens, after the class reviews, does not understand the good custom which asked.

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200分真心讨教高数定积分知识假定函数f(X)以T为周期即对于任意的实数x有f(x+t)=f(x)  2020-07-09 …

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人们在野兔中发现了一种使毛色为褐色的基因(T),该基因位于X染色体上.已知没有X染色体的胚胎是致死  2020-07-29 …

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身穿白色T恤,蓝色牛仔裤,如果舞台只用红色灯光照向他时,观众看到他的裤子的颜色是色,T恤的颜色是色  2020-08-01 …

假如我们现在用T来表示老师,C来表示课程顾问.有六个老师和六个课程顾问.分别用T1,T2,T3,T4  2020-10-31 …

(2014•天桥区三模)“绿叶在光下制造淀粉”的实验中,如果用黑色的“T”字形纸片遮挡时,经光照、脱  2020-11-25 …

“绿叶在光下制造淀粉”的实验中,如果用黑色的“T”字形纸片遮挡时,经光照、脱色、碘液染色后,实验结果  2020-12-02 …

人们在野兔中发现了一种使毛色为褐色的基因(T)位于X染色体上.已知没有X染色体的胚胎是致死的.如果褐  2021-01-13 …