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Today,my parents go out for dinner.We came at the door,he saw a ragged old grandfather sitting on the floor,his face not a trace of a smile,looked very sad.I also found a grandfather's hand broken.His neck hung a sign on the top filled with characters.Certainly face problems in life,to beg.Like others,I would have to imagine turning a blind eye,but the grandfather poor lingering look in front of me.At this time,I seemed to become two people.1 I said:"Let's go,let's not attention to him.You should have the guts to it." Another issue I said:"No,we should help others.Mom and Dad are not always the way to teach us?If I do good,Probably my Mom and Dad will boast it sensible."I think for a while,I finally beat the first one.Then I went to grandfather front,out of your pocket usual collection of triple money,did not hesitate to vote for the grandfather.Grandfather looked up at me and nodded in my direction.I am happy and ran away.Mom and Dad praised me.On the way home,I thought to myself:If the earth less poverty,less hunger,be nice ah!If this happens everyone is out a pair of warm hands,and that the whole world would be a better place!今天,我和爸爸妈妈一起去外面吃饭.我们来到店门口,看见一位衣衫褴褛的老爷爷坐在地上,脸上没有一丝笑容,看上去很忧伤.我还发现老爷爷的一只手断了.他的脖子上挂着一块牌子,上面写满了字.肯定是遇到了生活难题,来乞讨的.我本来想像别人一样视而不见,可是老爷爷可怜的样子在我眼前挥之不去.这时,我好象变成了两个人.一个我说:“走吧,咱们不要理他.你应该有这个胆量吧.”另一个我说:“不行,我们应该帮助别人.爸爸妈妈不是常常这样教我们吗?如果我做了好事,没准爸爸妈妈还会夸我懂事呢.”我想了一会儿,终于战胜了第一个我.然后我走到老爷爷跟前,从口袋里拿出平时珍藏的三元钱,毫不犹豫地投给了老爷爷.老爷爷抬头看了看我,朝我点点头.我开心的跑开了.爸爸妈妈表扬了我.在回家的路上,我心想:如果人间少一些贫穷,少一些饥饿该多好啊!如果遇到这种情况人人都伸出一双温暖的手,那整个世界将会变得更加美好!

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