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在下面的有些句子中我们可以调换括号里的词的位置.比如说,在“He put (out) the fire .”这句话中,我们可以变动out的位置,即:He put the fire out.但是,在“He is looking (for) his pen.”中,我们却不能变动for的位置,如有可能,调换下列句子中括号里的词的位置.
1.He gave away all his books.
2.She woke up the children early this morning.
3.He is looking for his umbrella.
4.They cut off the king's head.
5.Put on your hat and coat.
6.Give it back to your brother.
7.Help me to lift up this table.
8.Take off your shoes and put on your slippers.
9.He is looking at the picture.
10.Send her away or she will cause trouble.
11.They have pulled down the old building.
12.Make up your mind.
13.He asked for permission to leave.
14.She threw away all those old newspapers.
这是第7课的课后练习,我想问下为什么有些可以换位置 有些不可以换位置呢.比如说说都是不能换的.
在下面的有些句子中我们可以调换括号里的词的位置.比如说,在“He put (out) the fire .”这句话中,我们可以变动out的位置,即:He put the fire out.但是,在“He is looking (for) his pen.”中,我们却不能变动for的位置,如有可能,调换下列句子中括号里的词的位置.
1.He gave away all his books.
2.She woke up the children early this morning.
3.He is looking for his umbrella.
4.They cut off the king's head.
5.Put on your hat and coat.
6.Give it back to your brother.
7.Help me to lift up this table.
8.Take off your shoes and put on your slippers.
9.He is looking at the picture.
10.Send her away or she will cause trouble.
11.They have pulled down the old building.
12.Make up your mind.
13.He asked for permission to leave.
14.She threw away all those old newspapers.
这是第7课的课后练习,我想问下为什么有些可以换位置 有些不可以换位置呢.比如说说都是不能换的.
放到一起的可能是动介组合,像look for ,look at,也可能是动副组合,比如throw away,这类小品词与动词组合后意思很多,也挺繁琐的,多注意积累.
第13个这的ask for向某人要某物就得分开用.
He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer.
放到一起的可能是动介组合,像look for ,look at,也可能是动副组合,比如throw away,这类小品词与动词组合后意思很多,也挺繁琐的,多注意积累.
第13个这的ask for向某人要某物就得分开用.
He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer.
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