早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.You are printing a set of
important documents for your manager that he needs for a meeting in an hour’s
time.Halfway through printing,the printer starts beeping and flashing and the
display tells you that the toner cartridge needs to be replaced.You haven’t
used this printer before.
2 Your manager has asked you toshut his computer down and lock his office before you go home.When you go toclose his computer,you can see that he has left an important looking documentopen.When you try to close it,a message appears asking ‘Do you want to savechanges to Document 1.doc’.If you select ‘yes’,you will have to name and savethe document,if you select ‘no’ the document will close without being saved.
3 You are trying to save somephotos from your company’s digital camera into your work computer and they arenot transferring across.There is no one around in your workplace to help you.
4 You have just received a callfrom your organisation’s servicing contractor,Acme Techno Servicing,askingwhether your photocopier needs to be serviced.
5 You are working at yourcomputer and an on-screen message appears telling you that your anti-virussoftware is out of date.
1.You are printing a set of
important documents for your manager that he needs for a meeting in an hour’s
time.Halfway through printing,the printer starts beeping and flashing and the
display tells you that the toner cartridge needs to be replaced.You haven’t
used this printer before.
2 Your manager has asked you toshut his computer down and lock his office before you go home.When you go toclose his computer,you can see that he has left an important looking documentopen.When you try to close it,a message appears asking ‘Do you want to savechanges to Document 1.doc’.If you select ‘yes’,you will have to name and savethe document,if you select ‘no’ the document will close without being saved.
3 You are trying to save somephotos from your company’s digital camera into your work computer and they arenot transferring across.There is no one around in your workplace to help you.
4 You have just received a callfrom your organisation’s servicing contractor,Acme Techno Servicing,askingwhether your photocopier needs to be serviced.
5 You are working at yourcomputer and an on-screen message appears telling you that your anti-virussoftware is out of date.
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