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In the new era of environmental protection for the mainstream, a lot of natural elements has become the source of inspiration for designers. From the costumes, colors, patterns and materials bionic point of view, so that the return to nature, aimed at the important role of clear bionic art and design in the clothing and in people's daily lives, long-lasting vitality of the arts, giving the garment life and cultural connotations, thus enhancing the harmony and unity of mankind and nature. Nature itself has a special charm of unfathomable. Bionic Art and Design is the functional morphology of the clothing, the external shape, action, and even its unity and coordination of air and environment conditions to simulate various aspects of biological Philosophical connotations of the "bionic design" happens to coincide with the connotation of the 2l century costumes and cultural development. The essence of traditional Chinese philosophy, but also the eternal theme of "bionic design" as the future development of fashion design. Therefore, it can be said to bionic design costume design by thermal bionic design of the clothing gurus making personal experience to the nature of the presence of design should try to comply with the laws of nature, we must study the nature, to make it, and human intelligence integrated one

一家商店将某种服装按成本价提高40%后标价,又以8折(即按标价的80%)优惠卖出,结果每件作服装仍  2020-05-13 …

苏青每月薪资10万元、所得税扣缴1万元、五险一金扣缴3000元、交通及外食费8000元、工作制装费月  2020-05-22 …

速求计算题某装饰工程项目窗户采用铝合金推拉窗,经计算其工程量为,铝合金推拉窗制作安装1666m,铝  2020-06-06 …

中级财务会计求指导、星海公司领用一批包装物,出借给客户使用。包装物实际成本50000元,收取押金6  2020-06-20 …

一家商店将某种服装按成本价提高40%后标价,又以8折(即按标价的80%)优惠卖出,结果每件作服装仍  2020-06-29 …

下列关于作家作品的叙述,不正确的一项是()A.马致远,元代大都人,是当时著名的元曲作家,“元曲四大  2020-07-26 …

海之杰制衣厂现有24名制作服装的工人每天都制作某种品牌衬衫和裤子,每人每天可制作衬衫3件或裤子5条.  2020-11-06 …

“我军装备虽远不如敌,但与朝鲜人民军一起作战,英勇善战,吃苦耐劳,经验丰富。朝鲜虽为狭长半岛,海空进  2020-11-06 …

下列关于文学常识的表述正确的一项是A.《西游记》作者是元末明初小说家吴承恩。他字汝忠,别号射阳山人。  2021-01-14 …

下列说法有错误的一项是[]A.元曲“四大家”指的是元代的关汉卿、白朴、马致远、郑光祖。B.《西厢记》  2021-01-17 …