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英语翻译请翻译下面两句第一句:LOVE IN MY HEART第二句:ETERNAL HAPPINESS请你留下一些表达爱情的简短句子,

第一句:LOVE IN MY HEART 我心中的爱
I once let the truest love slip away from before my eyes,only to find myself regretting when it was too late.No pain in the world comes near this.If only God would give me another chance,I would say to the girl,“I love you.” If there had to be a limit of time,I pray it would be ten thousand years.English love letter!
Hi Sweety,I open my eyes and expect to see you,but see nothing except an empty space.There's nothing in this world that can compare with that feeling of u sitting beside me.And over these past years I've come to conclude that I feel like there is no motive to life.
Though I've broken your heart so many times,we've always come back to try again.But now this heart continues to break,with every moment you're away.I know you want to do what's right,but I hate it when i see you cry,i want to do something for u so i know im a small part of ur life.All the promise's that i made ...remember i said one day you were going to make be my wife?.im really sorry,sometimes situations make it impossible.
We've been apart for a while now.But I still want to know,how do you feel,when I'm not around?Is your heart really mine,or have all these years been wasted time?I don't mean to cry,I try to hold onto my pride,but when pictures are all I have,it gets hard sometimes.
Every time I close my eyes I see your beautiful face.I don't know what to do; all I know is how much I miss u.And every day I'm going to continue to pray that you're going to come home to me someday,and all the things we use to talk about ...will come true.Until then,just know that I'm here,that I miss you ...and this love that I feel is very wierd
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