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Rules of the Library(图书馆规则)
Conduct within the Library
Noise,disturbance or unseemly behaviour is prohibited,including abusive or threatening behaviour to Library staff or to other Library users.
No food or drink (other than bottled water) is permitted in the Library building,apart from the Lobby area to the left of the entrance.
Smoking is not permitted in the Library building or outside near external doorways.
Disruptive mobile phone use is prohibited:Mobile phones should be switched off or set to silent mode in the Library building.Talking on the phone or letting it ring or beep is prohibited.Texting is permitted but only in silent mode.Outgoing calls may only be made in designated phone zones,currently the toilet lobbies and the entrance Lobby area
Library users are asked to treat other users with consideration,in particular those with a disability.
No material other than official notices from the Library or the School may be distributed within the Library,without the Librarian's permission.
Library furniture,fittings or equipment must not be misused or their arrangement altered.
Library users should not attempt to reserve study places by leaving personal belongings at desks when they have left the building.Belongings may be cleared to allow others to use study places.
Note that unattended belongings are left at the owner's risk and users are advised not to leave valuables even if they will be away from their desks for a short time.
Library users may be asked to present their bag for inspection by Library staff,as well as any books or folders they are carrying.
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