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Guarantee contracts to guarantee the limitation period study questions
English Abstract
Warranty period to ensure that systems are an important element to explore and study period to ensure that there is and its significance.Warranty period is to ensure that the parties have agreed by contract or law,the guarantor that the creditor be able to tolerate the longest period of claims.Limitation of actions to ensure that neither the period nor during the period in addition to exclusion of limitations problem but it has always been a point of contention problem.In theory,that different questions of its trial practice different opinion on its decision,in the Legislative or there is a lack of,or on contradictory.In this paper,the limitation period to ensure that theory and the relevant legislation of a more in depth,and the Legislative Council Legislative Council made a number of revisions.
First,the existence of the guarantee period to ensure that the independent debt limitation were studied.Secondly,if the existence of an independent guarantee that the contract said that the limitation period problem,this article will be spent during the litigation and the starting point,the suspension of the limitation proceedings,interruption issues.
Keywords:guarantee contracts; warranty period; Limitation of actions; starting point; the right to request

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