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Whether you're starting a book club or joining one,take a look atthese rules and standards for behavior.Some of the rules may seembasic,or they may seem like common sense.But,we want to make surethat everyone is on the same page regarding what is acceptable behaviorin a book club.Here are the Book Club Rules...The purpose of this book club is to read and enjoy literature!So,if you love books,and you're ready to discuss them...you're in theright place.
You may find that you disagree with something that another member of the group has said.
It is okay to disagree!
Flaming and/or inappropriate behavior and/or language will not be tolerated.
Please respect the authority of the moderator.
Keep on topic,but feel free to introduce information that isrelevant to the discussion (historical facts,bio details,bookbackground,related authors or topics).
If you cite copyrighted material,please appropriately referenceyour source(s).Also,please don't inappropriately post or distributecopyrighted material.
Additional Rules for Traditional Book Clubs:All meetings will start on time.
When you speak,please state your name.
Some book clubs include food or beverages.Don't forget to bring your assigned (or volunteered) food or drink.
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