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近年来“汉语热(Chinese fever)”在全球异常火爆,到目前已有3000万外国人在学汉语,在一次英语课上,老师让学生讨论“汉语热”这种现象,讨论的结果主要包括以下三方面:














“Chinese fever”has been spreading across the world in recent years. More than 30 million people in other countries have been learning Chinese. Why has Chinese become so popular? We think that there are three reasons for it.Firstly China is a country with a long history which has made the Chinese language richer and more attractive. Secondly China’s economy has been developing very quickly in recent years. Many overseas businessmen who want to enter the Chinese market need to understand China and the Chinese culture. Most importantly China is becoming increasingly active in international affairs and has become the focus of many other countries’ attention.In a word there is no doubt that the Chinese language will become more and more popular.

分 析:
这是一篇针对某种现象阐述原因的文章 因此文章的结构安排应为:第一部分介绍全球"汉语热"的现状;第二部分分析其成因:第三部分作总结。注意:介绍现状时一定要简单 分析成因才是文章的重心所在。本文时态运用正确。句型富于变化 复合句运用合理。结构清晰紧凑 特别是运用Firstly Secondly Most importantly 使原因分析层层递进 层次分明且重点突出 而不是平铺直叙 使文章有起伏感。文章行文严谨 前后照应 把握住了文章重点 成因分析很充分。
【亮点说明】范文用了一些词组:如be supposed to on one hand … on the other hand … be aware of such as familiarize … with in advance so as to等等。注重句子的连接:如as or Actually and In addition last but not least,句型上也是多变:The passage mainly tells us that the Chinese tourists ranked the second in a global poll of worst travelers as they behaved impolitely and improperly when travelling abroad.这句话用了非谓语动词作状语,In addition we should familiarize ourselves with the local customs in advance so as to avoid misunderstandings or troubles. Last but not least do as the rules of scenic spots require us to do这句话运用了目的状语从句等等。