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有谁知道叶芝的诗《致他的心,叫它别害怕》的英文原文吗致他的心,叫它别害怕 静一静,静一静,颤栗的心; 且记住古时的智慧: 让巨风、大火和洪水 掩藏起那个人,他面对 刮过星群的狂风, 大火洪水而颤栗,因他 不属于孤寂、雄伟的一群。
Be you still, be you still, trembling heart; Remember the wisdom out of the old days: Him who trembles before the flame and the flood, And the winds that blow through the starry ways, Let the starry winds and the flame and the flood Cover over and hide, for he has no part With the lonely, majestical multitude.