早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
我在美国亚马逊买了点东西,选了免费体验快速送货,结果收到这样一封邮件,本人害怕他们会收费,本人又不识英文,请问这封信是什么意思:If you want to continue after your free trial,do nothing.Your membership will automatically continue until you cancel and we'll charge the card you used when you signed up $79 for the next year and annually after that.If you prefer,you can choose "do not auto upgrade" before the initial charge,or "do not auto renew" before any renewal charge in Your Account and your card won't be charged for the next year.You can always request a refund of the most recent charge if your benefits haven't been used in the new term.If we're unable to charge your preferred card,we'll charge another card we have on file for you.
我在美国亚马逊买了点东西,选了免费体验快速送货,结果收到这样一封邮件,本人害怕他们会收费,本人又不识英文,请问这封信是什么意思:If you want to continue after your free trial,do nothing.Your membership will automatically continue until you cancel and we'll charge the card you used when you signed up $79 for the next year and annually after that.If you prefer,you can choose "do not auto upgrade" before the initial charge,or "do not auto renew" before any renewal charge in Your Account and your card won't be charged for the next year.You can always request a refund of the most recent charge if your benefits haven't been used in the new term.If we're unable to charge your preferred card,we'll charge another card we have on file for you.
看了 英语翻译我在美国亚马逊买了点...的网友还看了以下:
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