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    阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每小题 A B C D 中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。

How do you spend your vacation? Many Americans like to have their vacations in   1   countries. One day an American   2  came to China. This was her first time to China and she wanted to   3  some friends there. She met a Chinese boy Wang Tong. Wang Tong was only ten years old and he always wanted to practice   4  . So he came up and said “   5  ” to her and then he began his first talk with a person   6  an English-speaking country.

    “How old are you?” Wang Tong   7  then.

    “I’m   8  . Please don’t ask a lady about her 9   ” she answered.

    Wang Tong was surprised. He didn’t know   10  . Can you help him?

1. A. another            B. else                   C. other                   D. any

2. A.man                  B. boy                   C.woman                 D. child

3. A.make                B. being                C. do                      D. having

4. A.speak English  B. speak Chinese    C.speaking English   D. speaking Chinese

5. A.OK                 B.Hello                   C. Sorry                  D. Good-bye

6. A.to                    B. at                       C. on                      D. from

7. A.asked              B. told                    C.read                     D. spoke

8. A.sure                B.shy                       C. happy                  D.sorry

9. A.dinner             B. age                      C. job                     D. family

10. A.when            B. why                      C. what                   D. where


1C  2C  3A  4C  5B  6D  7A  8D  9B  10B


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