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      Michael Jordan was born on 17, February 1963 in New York. Jordan is the fourth of the five children in his
family. When he was a child, Jordan played baseball, basketball and football. He was very good at playing
basketball. Harvest Smith was Jordan's classmate and good friends. He played basketball with Jordan almost
every day. He said Jordan was small then but very quick and he dunked(扣篮) very well. In 1978, Jordan went
to Laney High School in North Carolina. Soon he became the best player and was the star of each game. He also
worked very hard on the team and he could score 40 points in a game! Soon he grew taller and taller. He was
more than 6 feet tall! He was stronger, too. In 1984, Jordan played on the US men's Olympic Basketball Team.
Later in the same year, he played his first game for the Chicago Bulls. In 1991, 1992 and 1992, Jordan helped
the Bulls win the World Championships. Many people think Jordan is the best basketball player in the world.
1. Jordan is a famous ______ player. [     ]
A. baseball
B. football
C. basketball
D. volleyball
2. Michael Jordan was born in _______. [     ]
A. Australia
B. England
C. America
D. Canada
3. When he was a child, Jordan was ______. [     ]
A. tall and strong
B. tall and quick
C. small but quick
D. small but strong
4. Jordan is good at _______. [     ]
A. swimming
B. dunking
C. running
D. playing
5. In ______, Jordan played his first game for the Chicago Bulls. [     ]
A. 1978
B. 1984
C. 1991
D. 1992

1-5:A C C D B

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