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A change to its population policy(人口政策)for the world's most populated country(人口最多的国家) that is where we start this new week on CNN (美国有线新闻网络,以提供即时电视新闻报导而闻名)STUDENT NEWS.

    China introduced(提出) its so-called one-child policy(独生子女政策) in the late 1970s. It's been believed to help control China's population growth(控制人口增长). It's also been against for forcing(强迫) parents to make difficult personal choices(选择) or in some cases(某些情况) face huge fines(面临巨额罚款).

    The policy said that in big cities or towns parents could only have one child although(尽管) there were some exceptions(例外) for example the famous director Zhang Yimou who was ordered to pay the heavy fines for his three children.

    The new rule(法规) says that if either parent(父母亲一方) is an only child then they are able to have two children of their own.

    One reason for the change is economics(经济).

    In China many people care for their elderly relatives so a single(单个的) child could not afford (能做)to look after his parents and grandparents. This new policy could help with that.

    Another reason China says it wants to improve human rights(改善人权).

1.Which may be the best title of the article?___________.

A. The one-child policy   B. The population policy

C. The human rights D. China's population growth

2.Where can you get this news _______.

A. on TV      B. from your books       C. from a magazine     D. in the newspaper

3.Which of the following is not true?

A. China is the world's most populated country.

B. The one-child policy did help control China's population growth.

C. All the families in big cities only have one child. 

D. There is a change to China’s population policy.

4.We can infer(推断)from the article that the next paragraph(段落) is about ___________.

A. the population growth  B. the population policy

C. the economic change   D. the human rights








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