早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.讲述自己的类似经历 2.提出至少两条建议
Dear Linda.
I can understand how you feel.When I was young,_________________________________________
1.讲述自己的类似经历 2.提出至少两条建议
Dear Linda.
I can understand how you feel.When I was young,_________________________________________
Dear Linda.
I can understand how you feel.When I was young,my parents were very strict with meThey wanted me study all the day.I felt very upset.They did not let me do what I wanted,such as surfing the Internet and playing with my friends.I could not understand why they should do that at all.
But now,I feel their feelings.What they did is good for me,they just wanted me to study better.
I hope you can understand your parents,and you can listen to music to release your unhappy feelings. When you are tired after studying,you can aiso watch TV.
Finally,I hope you will feel better now,and have a good grade.
I can understand how you feel.When I was young,my parents were very strict with meThey wanted me study all the day.I felt very upset.They did not let me do what I wanted,such as surfing the Internet and playing with my friends.I could not understand why they should do that at all.
But now,I feel their feelings.What they did is good for me,they just wanted me to study better.
I hope you can understand your parents,and you can listen to music to release your unhappy feelings. When you are tired after studying,you can aiso watch TV.
Finally,I hope you will feel better now,and have a good grade.
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